Jotun propose à la fois du challenge pour ses boss tous plus différents les uns que les autres et un côté instructif pour la représentation des croyances liées à la mythologie dites vikings. L’histoire en révèle un peu plus sur les dieux ainsi que sur son parcours personnel. Pour se faire, elle se retrouve confrontée à des dieux de la mythologie nordique (tels que Freyja, Thor ou encore Odin pour ne citer que les plus connus). On y incarne une guerrière viking dans son parcours vers Vahllala (l’équivalent du paradis). Either way Thunder Lotus have created an art and gameplay masterpiece I absolutely recommend this one if you like boss fights.Ħh PlayedJotun – Un bijou nordique Jotun est un jeu d’aventure mêlée au style « boss rush ».

Several achievement challenges and the one-hit-kill "Valhalla Mode" exist for extra challenge. Five bosses may seem short but I got about 10 hours out of this game and I think the game felt complete after the final confrontation. I only noticed two bugs in the whole game, which didn't derail it at all. It's hard not to get distracted by the gorgeous hand-drawn boss artwork in particular the art seems like it was plucked straight from a big budget Disney film. The sound and visuals are spellbinding - the devotion to Viking mythology in the art and voice acting is palpable. Movement may initially seem slow but this only adds to the tension of the fight. Each boss is preceded by two adventure levels which neatly foreshadow the boss' attacks while you hunt for treasures in them. Gameplay difficulty is pitched perfectly, and the five bosses are beatable before they can become frustrating. This game was funded by the Canada Media Fund judging by this and the glorious Guacamelee!, they clearly have a very good eye for quality games. 11h PlayedA reasonably tough, absolutely beautiful top-down adventure in which you seek to topple the mighty Jotun.